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    This section contains research articles and resources related to the practice of reflection and professional growth, Topics contained here include teacher mentoring, reflective practice, study groups in school, teachers as action researchers and professional development.

  • What is Action Research?
    The concept of teacher-as-researcher is included in recent literature on educational reform, which encourages teachers to be collaborators in revising curriculum, improving their work environment, professionalizing teaching, and developing policy. Teacher research has its roots in action research.
  • Case Studies Of Mentoring In Beginning Teacher Induction Programs
    These case studies complemented a review of mentoring practices in the directorate's retraining programs. Rather than examine specifically the implementation of the directorate's model of induction, the four case studies focused on actual induction processes and practices adopted in each school with a particular emphasis on mentoring.
  • Study Groups
    ASCD site sharing what are, why use and how to start study groups.
  • Teacher action research resources for education equity
    This link on the "Multicultural Pavillion" homepage provides links and information about action research for multicultural education and equity.
  • Mentoring Bibliography
    Suggested readings in mentoring.
  • Introduction to Mentoring Practices
    This publication has been prepared by the Training and Development Directorate of the NSW Department of Education and Training to further promote discussion on mentoring and foster professional learning in the first years of teaching. It brings together some of the national and international literature in the area pointing out new areas for research.
  • E-Portfolio Decisions and Dilemmas
    The definition of e-portfolio covers a wide spectrum of approaches to documentation and assessment, with a correspondingly wide array of differing audiences and purposes. In addition, the unique role of technology in the mediation of action and learning adds to the dilemmas inherent in the decisions that need to be made when designing and implementing e-portfolio systems.
  • Issues in mentoring and induction practice emerging from the literature and case studies
    This online article addresses questions such as: What are the characteristics of effective mentoring relationships? Should mentors be identified by mentorees? Should the roles of mentor and appraiser be assigned to different people? Mentoring practice: Are there advantages for mentors?.
  • Teacher Research
    This introduction by Sharon Parsons of San Jose State University begins.. "Traditional educational research has limited usefulness for classroom teachers.
  • Teacher research leads to learning, action
    This article by Joan Richardson, which appeared in the National Staff Development Council's "Tools for Schools", February/March 2000 presents the definition of action research as "a process where participants–who might be teachers, principals, support staff–examine their own practice, systematically and carefully, using the techniques of research,’’ according to Cathy Caro-Bruce who leads the extensive action research efforts in the Madison (Wis.) Metropolitan School District. Caro-Bruce is author of a forthcoming NSDC book, The Action Research Facilitator’s Handbook.
  • Reflection
    This web page offers a few definitions on reflection and links for teacher training.
  • Ontario Action Researcher
    The Ontario Action Researcher promotes the development of educational knowledge through action research by elementary, secondary, and university teachers. Within this context, the journal strives to support personal and professional growth by:
      providing models of effective action research
      enabling teachers to share their action research
      supporting teachers who are beginning action research
      demonstrating classroom connections between practice and theory
      informing educational practices in elementary and secondary schools and in universities
  • Educating the Reflective Practitioner
    Donald Schon's presentation to the 1987 meeting of the American Educational Research Association Washington, DC.
  • Study Groups by Carlene Murphy
    Paper outlining the methods for creating, implemening, evaluating study groups in schools. Journal of Staff Development, Summer 1999 (Vol.

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